A person tying his laces to start his run

The Perfectionist

You sound like a perfectionist!

The best antidote to perfectionism is mediocrity. Your need for a perfect plan is going against your progress.


Embrace Mediocrity, embrace imperfection. Your bar might be high already, with your imperfect plan you will still end up with Good. Allow yourself to be OK with producing something that looks Good and not the Best. A Good thing shipped, is better than a Best thing never started!

Bias For Action

You have a weak Action muscle. Try to take 2 actions everyday. After a week, take 5 actions and after two weeks take 10. This will exercise your Action muscle. Think of it just like body workout!

There are many different ways and there are many different books. All of them will boil down to the tips above – embrace imperfection, have bias for action, ship more imperfect things, exercise your Action muscle!

Engineer your environment or surrounding so that it invites action. A writer has a clean desk, nice lamp and a notebook and paper. A YouTuber will have a camera setup.

Manage your energy – listen or read motivating book that pushes you towards action every day or every week.


Read following books:

The Practice – Seth Godin

Show Your Work – Austin Kleon

12 Week Year – Brian Morgan + Michael Lennington.

Getting Things Done – David Allen

I was in the same place as you and after many years I finally feel free, I am doing more than I am planning to do.

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